Anouk Vos featured in the RightBrains Career Guide
A RightBrains initiative
Whatever career direction you choose, these days your job will have some digital technology component. It is for this reason that RightBrains recently launched its Career Guide aimed at young women who are just starting their careers. The RightBrains Career Guide is a source of inspiration and information not only for these women, but also for their parents, teachers and mentors. In the guide, role models tell their stories about why they decided to work in digital technology. The experts share their vision for digital marketing, innovation, transformation and leadership. With the guide, RightBrains hopes to inspire its readers and broaden the perspectives of career opportunities in the field of digital technology.
Anouk Vos shares her story
Revnext’ Anouk Vos has more than a decade of experience as a strategic cyber security advisor for governments, multinationals and NGO’s. She co-founded Revnext and the non-profit organisation Cyberwerkplaats, which reimagines IT education. She also co-founded the Women in Cyber Security Foundation to foster connections amongst underrepresented women in the field.
In the Career Guide Anouk explains how she thinks her initiatives help reshape the way we think about cyber security. She tells how Revnext, as a high-tech strategic consultancy, is trying to shape tomorrow’s world. However, Revnext is not any other company she says: ‘We reinvest a large part of our profits in social areas that do not receive much funding- topics we think will boom in the next few years, topics that fascinate us.’
Read the entire interview with Anouk Vos by ordering or downloading a copy of the RightBrains career guide at: